台北時裝週 Taipei Fashion Week
設計師簡國彥首度以品牌BOB Jian發表的21秋冬時裝大秀,於3月15日11時於松菸文創園區4號倉庫盛大發表。這一次簡國彥以臺灣民俗慶典歡慶眾神擁護臺灣時尚的概念出發,一開場就以廟會常見的八家將與光的藝術家「LUXY BOYZ」的3公尺高真人版發光東方神系鋼彈,以LED燈及雷射燈光演出震撼所有人的視覺感觀,聲光效果十足的熱鬧開場緊抓住眾人目光。
由文化部與經濟部共同舉辦的台北時裝週,在2021 年將首次比照國際時裝周規格,一年舉辦秋冬季(AW)以及春夏季(SS)2次的時裝週,也是台北時裝週首次舉辦秋冬季時裝週,而今年「2021台北時裝週AW21」將於3月11日在台北松山文創園區展開。
第四則與教育部合作,辦理時尚校際展演,舉辦2場次校際展演活動;第五是2個品牌SHIATZY CHEN、#DAMUR突破官方場地限制,在外另擇場地辦秀,讓台北時裝週更具國際級時裝週規模。
「2021台北時裝週AW21」官方主場將於3月11日在松山文創園區展開;而SHIATZY CHEN在自來水博物館展演的品牌秀,則於3月10日展演,率先為台北時裝週揭開序幕。
Taipei Fashion Week Has Made a Triumphant Return With Its First Show Centered Around Sustainability
Taipei, Taiwan – With the COVID-19 vaccines now being distributed worldwide, it is a shared hope that the world will soon return to normal. In a time when we are heavily focused on this pandemic, other issues affecting us and our planet might at times take a backseat. However, those critical issues require our combined and continued attention, for they will affect us for generations to come. An example of this is climate change, and the part humans have played in it.
The world of fashion is not free from blame. Fast fashion has been shown to cause immense damage to our planet and our environment. It is not only because of the amount of C02 produced as a byproduct of the manufacturing and shipment of millions of tons of garments worldwide, but also the number of clothes ending up in landfills. In the past few years, a generation of conscious designers focusing on sustainability and the environment’s protection has emerged. This month, for the Autumn-Winter 2021 season, Taipei Fashion Week has made a triumphant return with its first one-day joint show centered around sustainability: Taipei Sustainable Collections.
Held on March 11th at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, the show highlighted six brands with existing sustainable practices. Breaking away from the digital presentations that have become the norm during the pandemic, the show was held in person (Taiwan has been one of the few countries that have dodged the catastrophic events of Covid-19), bringing back memories of the thrilling experiences and creative platforms offered by Fashion Week events across the world. The six participating brands were #DAMUR, JUST IN XX, Claudia Wang, DYCTEAM, WEAVISM, and oqLiq, one of our favorite brands to walk the runway during New York Fashion Week Autumn-Winter 2020.
While many Western brands tend to go for a more bohemian fashion style when creating sustainable pieces or collections, Asian designers continue to push the limits of creativity and innovation. The end result is collections that are not only contemporary in style, but border on the futuristic, breaking away from their Western counterparts’ monotonous, earthy looks.
Taipei Fashion Week is part of a set of sustainability initiatives taking place during Fashion Week events held in cities across the world. It is a platform for rising designers who understand the importance of protecting the environment and the effects the industry of fashion has on it.
台北時裝週 Facebook / YouTube / 官網三大平台同步直播秀場,敬請鎖定觀看!
官方 活動頁 https://fb.me/e/1WH72e8Vh
官方 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tpe.fashionweek/
官方網站 https://tpefw.com/
#2021台北時裝週 #TaipeiFashionWeek #TPEFW
#fashionweek #AW21
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